The Sunday Night Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection on the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into happenings next week. You're Welcome.
We are all in this thing together.
I hope you and yours are finding comforts at home while social distancing and making your best effort to curb this thing so we can get back to our extraordinarily beautiful everyday lives. It is so hard to stay home, I love being in my store this time of year! But I love summer even more and I truly believe if we want to have a better time this summer than we are having this spring, we need to make the sacrifice now. Alright. That's my bit on coronavirus. The store will not reopen until this all subsides, but online orders are still shipping - now complimentary because every order counts these days - and I am happy to meet those that are very healthy by appointment.
Image credit: The Jealous Curator
One of my favorite accounts on Instagram, @thejealouscurator announced to her followers a 30 Day Art Challenge and is encouraging everyone to make art daily for the next month. I could not agree more! The Jealous Curator, Danielle Krysa, also has a great podcast you can check out here.
Photo credit: Loren Hope
Loren Hope launched a new collection of jewelry today and if this does not want to make you to get dressed up for a party post apocalypse, I don't know what does! As usual, I want one of everything. I think you will too.
Photo credit: Innerlight Yoga
Tomorrow Innerlight Yoga is offering a free online yoga class for all levels. It is my intention to do a few free online tutorials because I think we can all use the distraction. Plus a little yoga would do us all some good this coming Monday. You can sign up here.
I have been on the mend after being home for the last week, but my back thankfully is starting to ease up a bit and I am excited to get back to work (still from home and my studio). Tomorrow I will post up some wonderful new things in shop online and link to Instagram. And later this week I think an online auction might be kind of fun - something to break up the news, give us hope for better days and bring a little beauty into your homes. I'll send more details this week so check your inbox for a note about the auction! In the meantime, you can shop art here.
Source: @goodnews_movement
After just a few days of quarantine, people all over the world are posting hilarious videos of what they are up to at home. But the Italians, as usual, have my heart. If you need a laugh, or just something to be really happy about, look online for these videos. This is my favorite so far outside of all of the Italians singing outside their windows in Siena, but I just cry watching it. This is just fun!
Happy weekend from our family to yours
Much love XO Kristen
The Shop Stats
Most overall viewed on website this week: Drifts Horizon By Kristen Coates
Best seller this week artwork by Michael J. Paddon
New work in the gallery and online this week by Rebecca Adler
Composed listening to jazz and drinking a glass of cranberry seltzer water.
If you are receiving this on a day that is not Sunday, it's because our email system sends out a second time, later in the week, to those that have not opened their email on Sunday