Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome. 

Traveling time and space can be difficult - this week was a total adjustment after such a short trip to France. All of my intentions this week were around recalibrating, ease, organization and well being and guess what?! It's been a fabulous time filled with all of the above.

I had originally thought I might share what I acquired in France as part of Forgotten Island, but upon further reflection and a whole lot of time in the studio this week, I think there is so much more for me to share. Instead this week, I'll launch The Paris Collection: My French Connection with paintings, photos, musings and so many lovely objects. I get so excited about sharing what I've discovered I can sometimes almost miss the more meaningful message. So here we are with a little delay, but I promise it will be worth the wait!

A dear friend of mine and I were deep, very deep, in conversation while I was painting (there are few people I can do this with and you're going to get to see the work this week!) and we came upon a favorite mantra of mine I've been thinking about a lot lately. "I know what's good for me and I deserve it all". In a world of major comparisons this has everything to do with grounding into your own authenticity, intuition and having the inner confidence to know, yes there are those things that are no longer serving me, and they will fall off, but there's also this quiet knowing it's this or better. If I follow what is right for me, more of what is right for me will turn up. Try it and see how goes for you. And if you need a daily hit of magical inspiration or a reminder of what authenticity looks like, check out the lovely Hugo Hamlet. I've recently made some changes in my IG following program to have a more uplifting feed and I have loved having more creative positivity in my algorithm Mr. Hamlet has become a welcome highlight.

Whilst you explore the new Paris Collection later in the week, I'll be getting ready to head to Florida for a bit to work from the Sunshine State. This is part family retreat and big part painting trip. I have an incredible studio space I hope to be able to share with you along with some of my treasure hunting in West Palm Beach, so. much. treasure! Be sure to check your inbox this week for everything Parisian and beyond. A bientôt! XO

Happy weekend from our family to yours! XO Kristen


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