Happy and Healthy Easter Friends !

Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection on the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome.

How lovely is it to be spring in New England. We have busied ourselves this weekend with tending to our seedlings, clearing our garden beds and planning new spaces in the yard for the coming months of plantings. I’m not a great gardener, but I do have a vision of potential and the guidance of Michael’s incredibly green thumb. He’s just brought down from the warmest room in our house, a beautiful bounty of blossoming orchids he revived from actual death under my watch last year. 

Courtesy of Our Great National Parks

If you need a little outdoor inspiration, I highly recommend Obama’s National Geographic’s program Our Great National Parks. His soothing narration and the incredible cinematography makes for a delightful trip around the world with a sharp reminder of the imminent effects of climate change. 

Michael has been exploring ChatGPT as of recent. I’m finding his interactions much more interesting than those I’ve read about from journalists exploring the AI bot. But then again, this is Michael's space and my suspicions he’s part robot are close to be proven correct. This is an image of his attempt at asking ChatGPT for some romantic advice. 

Our unique immersive art installation, CIAO CAPRI, has come to its sweet close. Don’t fret, I think we will forever be influenced by the sheer joy of this exhibition and one will see a bit Capri here and there for seasons to come. You can still shop the show here. 

Swimming at Sea I & II By Kristen Coates

When one show closes, a whole new delivery of art arrives at the gallery and this week has been a big one with more on the way. See new work here. 

Over the last few years I’ve been working on an extensive interior design renovation project I am just about ready to reveal. I can’t fully articulate how lucky I feel to have been a part of this work, but I’m hoping in the coming months a picture will give a thousand words. 


Image by Michael J. Paddon

A few things I am inspired by: YOLO Journal subscription, radishes have replaced chips in our house by slicing thinly and dappling them with a bit of Maldon Salt, this Bon Charge ice roller has been giving my face life, Farrow & Ball has just released a dead flat finish and I want to cover every surface in my house in it!  

Happy weekend from our family of bunnies to yours!
XO Kristen


Daffodil Days are upon us - Stop by for some spring inspiration
Friday - Monday 12-3pm 
And by appointment (401) 684-0211
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