Shannon Hammond

Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome.   


Be yourself; everyone else is taken
- Oscar Wilde
This week we toast to 12 years at the gallery! I know how lucky I am - I am reminded every day I get to do what I love, and with all of you. 
As gallerist, curator and artist, what a gift it is to wield this magical kaleidoscope of art, togetherness and curiosity. I've learned so much - mostly, listen only to your own intuition, dream as big as you can and every day take small steps to get there until you are there and be kind, be kind to yourself, be kind to the earth, be kind to one another - you never know what a lovely word, a genuine smile or a gesture might do for someone else and almost as importantly how you feel about living your life everyday. Now let's party!
This Thursday, June 13, 6-8pm we are having such a sweet celebration to toast to 12 years of gallery love / life. Friend and artist Luke Brenner is showing a whole new collection of paintings, we are launching our much awaited summer collection of candles and we are having confections you just won't want to miss. Not making it into Newport this week? Then keep an eye on your inbox for a delightful message coming in the next couple of days. It's going to be a good one!
This weekend was such a high energy summer vibe I hope to keep on riding all season long 
Live your most extraordinary life as soon as possible.
Happy weekend from our family to yours!
XO Kristen


A few gallery stats

Composed while listening to Hacks, have you seen this show? LOVE.
Best selling artist in the gallery this week Michael J. Paddon, also LOVE.
Best selling object - Our summer candles - pre-order open now! and they are BUY THREE GET ONE FREE!
Commission studio slots available 1 in June // 3 in July // 2 in August

Thinking about a new piece? Or just want to chat art. Text me 401 684-0211 




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