Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome.
She's a summer love for spring, fall and winter
- Grateful Dead

Happy Easter Sunday
This one is getting out a bit later than I had hoped for today, but in an attempt at getting the last scenes of the movie Saltburn out of mind (a dizzying film for Easter Sunday, I know but I do try to absorb as much as I can on weekends), I was reading a lovely interview with Marc Jacobs in the Financial Times Weekend magazine. Growing up with his name at the top of all things cool, I love to read about him as a designer and my god, he’s 60… he is still as beautiful as ever. Book Marc is probably one of my favorite stores in the world. But the article, it noted a few ups and downs Mr. Jacobs has experienced over his career and I am always interested in reading how incredible people behave in these times. His main focus has been to keep true to his work as a designer and let everything else happen around him. The last note was “I do feel like, when there’s this incredible creative energy and you’re really into what you’re doing, it attracts other creative energy,” Jacob says. “Magic happens”. This resonates with me.
The last couple of weeks have been a “fuck job” as my good friend with a wonderful vocabulary says when all things go sideways, to say it lightly. In the grand scheme of things I am a very fortunate person with the unique ability to do the work and find that silver lining I just know is there. But every once in a while there are a few wallops life serves up when you’re already managing the headline news of your day and I find myself sighing to myself, “what the fuck”. I wrote a stream of consciousness about one of my dearest friends passing away you can read here. I did not think she would slip away so soon. The rest of it is peripheral family things I just can’t talk about and instead I paint and decorate the table and look for shiny new things to rearrange in the store and at home. It’s my gift really, a way to process the overwhelming. So if I am a bit off lately, it’s because I have been thrown for a life loop, but the good news is I’ve learned from previous down times and know it’s better to let it all out than keep it in and like Mr. Jacobs, I have a job to do… I truly believe it’s where magic happens.
Last weekend we hosted a beautiful dinner with some of our sweetest friends. I cannot stop posting the photos because I’m in love with the flowers and the entire spring vibe even though it was pouring buckets outside. And yes that's Mabel insisting on being at the table in my lap.
Plus this. Edible spring really.
For the last ten plus years I have been eyeing artist, Paul Rodriguez’s paintings hoping to show his work at the gallery. On the return of my roadtrip earlier this month, I stopped by his studio in Philadelphia and I got my wish with a baker’s dozen I can’t wait to show you. Marvel in the mysteries of this artist’s mind or simply add charm and whimsy to your collection with these colorful and intriguing pieces. I framed these all identically floating on white mats in black frames so they could be installed in pairs, triptychs or hung on their own. Which ones speak to you?
If you’ve been waiting for a Confetti painting, you might have your wish come true! The most I’ve ever shown at once are all up online and in the gallery - I’m serious, all I can do lately with a straight thought is paint and perhaps that is because it is more meditation than actually thinking.

And if you’re looking for something else, I am positively swimming in new work - I did say I had gone overboard. I really did! And there’s even more to come in the next month.

Live your most extraordinary life as soon as possible.
Happy weekend from our family to yours!
XO Kristen