The Sunday Night Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection on the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into future happenings. You're Welcome

If you follow me on social media, you may have learned my sister has been diagnosed with stage four kidney disease. We are hopeful she will receive a speedy and successful transplant and we have been floored by the outpouring of well wishes, helpful referrals and offers to be a match. Heidi, her husband and three boys are grateful for all of your thoughts and prayers and if you want to pay it forward with a contribution, Heidi’s dear friend set up a fund for her here. A personal thank you to everyone on that list. It means the world to me. 

I have been finding myself in the garden, and some of our beautiful, local garden shops, a bit more often these days. There is something truly therapeutic about being in the yard with my dogs and the birds and planting the plots and plotting the gardens as the warmer weather hopefully is on the way.  Who knew ripping miles of creeping ivy from neglected flowerbeds could be self care? But seriously, what is this stuff and why is it never ending?! In a few short months I tend to turn to the ocean, but for now bits of Robert Frost and scenes from The Secret Garden play in my head hoping for the ‘barbecue’ rosemary to grow a bit more so I can continue trimming it like it’s the most precious bonsai. 

Mabel is only helpful in the garden if you need someone to steal all your pansies and eat them, but she's adorable so we keep her around

Here are a few of my favorite gardening and flower shops and services I love. 
Garden shops: Cottage & Garden, Peckam's 💐, Farmers Daughter 💐, Groundswell, Moore Blooms, Farm & Flora💐 and Jordan’s Jungle. 
For our window boxes at the store which are being planted for spring this week, Bridgid Finn Fine Gardening.
Landscaping: Fransson Landscaping, Bourne Green Horticulture and Grasshopper Lawn and Landscape
Hardscape design: Teaticket
Outdoor cushions: The Fabric Connection

💐= has fresh cut flowers

The incredible publishers at Assouline, have truly outdone themselves with their latest travel volume, Provence Glory. It is simply drool worthy. I have a short stack in stock along with a bunch of other wanderlust titles including Paris Chic, Cocktail Chameleon, The Luxury Collection: Hotel Secrets, Marrakech, Tulum and City Stays. I'll get all of these online this week, but if you want first dibs go ahead and reply to this email. 

 Image credit: Scarpetta

We were craving the spaghetti pomodoro dish from Scarpetta this weekend and it seems it is closed here in town for the season. After some searching, I found the chef, Scott Conant, recipe online. There’s a YouTube video, but I found this article easier to follow. The flavor and consistency are as close to the dish as I could have ever wished for and I think it will become a staple in our kitchen. Let me know if you try it!

Painting from the gallery last year by Kent Maxwel

This week I am headed to Kent Maxwell’s neck of the woods in Portsmouth, New Hampshire for a studio visit. It occurred to me that the last artist meeting I had prior to lockdown was that of Kent and it only seems fitting that my first studio visit since re-emerging be his as well. The concept also feels like a sign of good things to come or in other words, something that feels back to normal for me. Plus I love having new work from Kent in my gallery. Which by the way, looks like will be open full time again in late May. Until then, we will see you at appointments and on the occasional gorgeous day when all the doors can be wide open to welcome you. 

Happy weekend from our family to yours

The Shop Stats 
Top artist this week Michael J. Paddon
Most viewed piece this week Sleeping by Luke Brenner
Most viewed non-art item this week Vintage Adler Studded Vase

Are you following along on social media? 
Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Clubhouse

***This will be my last blog post that arrives on our old email platform. As of tomorrow we will be posting from our new platform. Be sure to sign up here if you have not done so already - I love keeping in touch with you XO Kristen***

For those making appointments or visiting for curbside pickup please be kind, wear a mask and keep some space so we can all feel safe. And if you have any symptoms of feeling unwell go ahead and stay home. We will ship your order to you!

If you are receiving this on a day that is not Sunday, it's because our email system sends out a second time, later in the week, to those that have not opened their email on Sunday...

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