The Sunday Night Digest = me + a possible glass of wine + reflection on the previous weeks ongoings and a glimpse into happenings next week. You're Welcome.

We are all in this thing together.

Today I have been thinking about all the places I have been so fortunate to travel over the years and how these towns, villages and cities are all facing the same difficulties these days.  I am also uniquely aware (now more than ever that I am unable to travel), how much these magical places influence my art and what I offer at the store and really how I live my life. I am trying to take some of this time to reflect and delve deeper into some of my notes and sketches to see what else can come from where I’ve been instead of where I am headed. I am finding it much easier to go within than to keep up with the news and the numbers and the horror. I think that's okay when faced with the harsh reality we are all digesting these days. I find smaller doses are easier to manage, but I am also noticing keeping positive most of the time is what is working for me. Reading, cooking, thinking, painting, walking Sofia, phone calls with friends. These things are helping. The online auction is helping. More than I thought it could. The connection to all of you without the walls of my store seemed impossible until the auction went live. The messages, your sweet gestures and participation have been a dream come true during what I think we can all agree is a total nightmare. So I will keep going and posting and writing these Sunday Night Digest notes in hopes this is helping you too. 

This week I delved into the world of online tutorials an impromptu IGTV post from my makeshift home studio. It's a little overwhelming, but also oddly satisfying to share videos like this publicly. I will post more soon, but in the meantime you can see this one on abstract clouds here

My online auction continues into day 3 today. With more than 50 items, this is by far my largest auction and I am so happy to report, the one with the most engagement. Thank you sincerely. If you would like to bid you can view the items in my stories on Instagram or check out this link here and bid via text (401) 684-0211 The winners will be notified Tuesday evening after the auction closes. Happy Bidding!

I will be putting up a blog post this week on how I am managing my business during this time and tips on creating your own online auction. More to come soon. 

Then perhaps even more odd, but very fun, Michael and I got dressed up last night for date night at home. We made it a double date for cocktails with our good friends Jillian and Keith over FaceTime. It was just an hour of time, but it really boosted my overall well-being. Seeing our friends, talking about how we are all affected by the current quarantine and just knowing we still have one another really helped me feel normal. I highly encourage any version of this - getting dressed to work from home, having a fancy night in or getting on a video chat with friends to be social. It really did wonders for me this weekend. 

Image credit: Thrive Newport

Hilary Davidson, a woman with incredibly beautiful energy and owner of Thrive Newport, is hosting online mat Pilates classes. Her next one is tomorrow at 9am and you can see in her Live Stories on Instagram (at 9am click this link, then click the circle around her logo... I hope that works!)

The Martin Luther King Center is doing an amazing job keeping our community in need fed with hundreds of bags of food. They have asked that we pause on food donations for the safety of their staff bagging and delivering the food, but encourage online cash donations if you are looking for a place to contribute. You can do that here. 

Image credi: Ry Smith

You may know artist Ry Smith from behind the bar at Stoneacre Brasserie, but he's been busy painting up the wall at Caleb & Broad. I asked Ry if he wanted to share some images and perhaps a few of his favorite spring cocktail recipes we can make at home and he did not disappoint.  Read more on that and consider ordering your own commission from Ry here. 

In an attempt to create more normalcy in my world, I am offering virtual painting workshops. The idea is I will ship an art kit to you directly from the art supply store. When you get it, you arrange a FaceTime or Zoom Meeting video chat with me and we paint together, but separately, with some instruction and in a relaxed atmosphere for about an hour. I am running a pre-sale now for $195 through Tuesday evening (then it will go to the regular price of $245). If you have someone else in your household that would want to do the workshop at the same time, you can buy additional supplies for $75 per kit. The supply kits should lend themselves to do a few painting projects after the class! For more details and to sign up - click this link.

The Rhode Island Department of Health is asking for your help. If you have any of the supplies listed in this link (more than noted above), I strongly suggest you consider donating. Every bit helps. 

Another way to support Newport and specifically service industry workers, consider contributing to the Newport County Tip Jar brought to you by WhatsUpNewp. If you're not already a supporter of Ryan Belmore and all that he does, be sure the subscribe to WhatsUpNewp so you can get updates in your inbox about our community now and well past this current health crisis. 

If you're into astrology, I enjoyed reading these notes from two astrologers that I like quite a bit: Susan Miller and Chani Nichols. And not an astrologer, but a nutritionist with a knack for toxicology, Karen Herd gives her perspective on Covid-19 on To Be Magnetic podcast  and I found it to be truly enlightening. 

Happy weekend from our family to yours
Much love XO Kristen

The Shop Stats 
Most overall viewed on website this week Engaged Horizon by Kristen Coates
Best seller this week artwork by Michael J. Paddon
New work in the gallery and online this week by Victoria Duffy
Composed listening to jazz and drinking a glass of cranberry seltzer water - same as last week. It's getting very Groundhogs Day a la Bill Murray over here!

If you are receiving this on a day that is not Sunday, it's because our email system sends out a second time, later in the week, to those that have not opened their email on Sunday

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  • A wonderfully uplifting, creative, practical and informative digest, Kristen- thank you.

    Sharyn Singer on

  • Miss you ! Love the encouragement !

    Lisa Miller on

  • Miss you ! Love the encouragement !

    Lisa Miller on

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