Today's Travel Tips: Cheap Flights Please

While I love to travel, I do not exactly love paying for it. As a young person I felt traveling by plane was a luxury and when international flights were $1800 roundtrip in economy when I was 20 it...

A Tea Party With The Captain's Daughters

This weekend we are thrilled to have Meghan O’Connor and Dani Niedzielski of The Captain's Daughters back in the gallery for A Tea Party during the Newport Wine + Food Festival. Sip the signature ...

Artist Profile: Tom Martinelli

  Nothing says summer in Rhode Island like a classic seascape painting. And here in Newport, when it comes to ocean scenes and nature in art, local artist Tom Martinelli is king. While one may thin...


    Link to original article featuring Kristen Coates

8 Things locals are doing in Newport this spring

As the days get a little longer in New England, Newport warms up with restaurant openings, festivals and shop offers sure to bring locals and tourists together for the start of another gorgeous sea...

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